The Department is delighted to share the news that our colleague Professor Patrícia Lino was approved for promotion to Associate Professor with tenure, effective 07/01/2024. Professor Lino joined the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at UCLA in Fall 2019. She specializes in contemporary poetry, Afro-Luso-Brazilian literatures and visual arts and is the author of several books and numerous articles and book chapters. From her prolific scholarly output, we would like to highlight two books: Manoel de Barros e a Poesia Cínica (2019) and Imperativa Ensaística Diabólica. Infraleituras da Poesia Expandida Brasileira (forthcoming). Professor Lino is also a creative practitioner whose books, videopoems, translations, and sound experiences include A Ilha das Afeições (2023), Barriga ao Alto (2023), Aula de Música (2022), O Kit de Sobrevivência do Descobridor Português no Mundo Anticolonial (2020) and I Who Cannot Sing (2020). Congratulations, Patrícia, on your promotion!